Boosting Online Student Success (B.O.S.S.)
Online courses offer students the needed flexibility to fit college into their busy lives; however, this modality can present challenges impacting success. Greenville Technical College will ramp up efforts to assist online students and set them up to achieve their goals.
The QEP includes two critical goals with five primary strategies:
Student Success Outcomes
A Quality Enhancement Plan, or QEP, is a process by which key, college-wide, continuous improvement initiatives are implemented. These initiatives are developed into multi-year plans and implemented with a goal of enhancing the student learning experience and/or the learning environment.
Requirements of a QEP initiative, formerly referred to as a “topic”, include:
A QEP is a requirement of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to ensure SACSCOC standards are reached and maintained and that an institution is aligned with its mission. SACSCOC is an accrediting body that helps to guide institutions through various peer evaluation processes, to ensure that SACSCOC standards have been met.
Greenville Technical College’s commitment to continuous improvement while providing quality education leverages the process of the QEP to improve both the student learning experience and the learning environment as a whole.
While successfully implemented QEPs are one of the ways institutions reach and maintain SACSCOC’s nationally recognized accreditation standards, a QEP’s value really lies in its positive impact on students, staff and the college experience.
In fact, the most important aspect of a QEP is its main purpose: enhancing the student’s learning experience and/or the learning environment. By dedicating resources to a QEP, Greenville Technical College is able to implement positive change for the good of the student and the institution as a whole while maintaining SACSCOC accreditation requirements.
Michelle Byrd, Chair
Dean, School of Business & Computer Technology
Michelle Byrd, QEP Director
Dean, School of Business & Computer Technology
Lauren Davis
Rachel Cobb
Tanya Morgan
April Atkins
Melissa Dukes
Michele Vlaich-Lee
Tim Tennis
Benjamin Samples
Kimber-lee Suiter
Tim Kelly
Chad Waters
Dr. Candice Davis
Lisa Branham
Kevin McMindes